Tender won for ACEBA

Alberto Zavatta – Inspiring the next you wins the international tender announced by DAI for USAID (United States Agency for International Development) for the ACEBA project.



DAI is implementing the USAID funded Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses activity (ACEBA) Program. The objective of this program is to enhance capacities of Afghan exporters and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) associated with export-oriented value chains, such as carpets, marble and granite, precious stones and jewelry, textiles, and cashmere as a means of promoting sustainable economic growth and increasing employment.


The tasks

Alberto Zavatta – Inspiring the next you will take care of the branding development, strategic communication and planning for the saffron, natural stones and marble, carpets sectors.

Alberto Zavatta had previously participated in USAID DAI Women in the Economy project (WIE) is a USAID-funded program. It partners with Afghan women, with women-owned businesses or businesses that employ at least thirty percent women.

USAID DAI Women in the Economy project works with job seekers, businesses, financial and training institutions, and many other stakeholders. WIE’s paramount goal is to help Afghan women make investments in their own success and enter the mainstream Afghan national economy.



Founder of the Milan-based agency Alberto Zavatta – Inspiring the next you. Alberto Zavatta is an expert of strategic corporate communication, branding, total identity, emotional marketing, packaging design. Mr Zavatta has gained international experience over the years with global communication projects for major multinationals and national companies. This makes of him a professional with a remarkable background. His experience includes all levels of strategic communications and branding. Mr Zavatta’s approach merges style, creativity and Italian essence with passionate vision, cosmopolitan touch and global culture.

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