Copernico – Where Things Happen. The tasks.
Copernico – Where Things Happen is the project to which Alberto Zavatta offered his advice between the end of 2014 and spring 2016.
Alberto Zavatta was chosen by the Group’s CEO to give Copernico a new strategic and communication asset.
The study thus led to the creation of a corporate code for the communication of the new smart working platform. The three pillars that support the whole system are: people, content, networks. The interaction of these three dimensions generates a virtuous flow of exchange and knowledge, of relationship and business. A modern and dynamic vision summed up by an original and captivating pay-off: “Where things happen”.
In fact, accessing the world of Copernico means entering a relational system that multiplies the opportunities for contact for the “Copernican residents”. Their positioning in the network and added value to their brand can easily grow faster.
The correlation between space and communication becomes more intense and allows a process of “collision”, that is, of interaction and physical aggregation.
Networking is supported by digital and traditional communication tools that favour proximity and rapprochement processes (internal social network / blog / magazine). The “hospitality” system welcomes and directs the “residents” towards services and rooms of the structure of which you are a guest.
Copernico’s “system of events” manages an articulated calendar that amplifies the opportunities for meeting and interacting.
Alberto Zavatta has also provided his mentoring to the communication and marketing team of Copernico, supervising the main activities of launch, networking events, press relations and corporate promotion.
Copernico – Where Things Happen. The platform
Copernico is a revolutionary, dynamic and innovative platform: work spaces pleasant and functional to live in; environments in which people aggregate and share content; initiatives and events that promote the development of busines. A philosophy of cross-fertilization that rethinks spaces depending on uses and residents.
Watch the launch video
Founder of the Milan-based agency Alberto Zavatta – Inspiring the next you. Alberto Zavatta is an expert of strategic corporate communication, branding, total identity, emotional marketing, packaging design.
Mr Zavatta has gained international experience over the years with global communication projects for major multinationals and national companies. This makes of him a professional with a remarkable background. His experience includes all levels of strategic communications and branding.
Mr Zavatta’s approach merges style, creativity and Italian essence with passionate vision, cosmopolitan touch and global culture.
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