Voices of Shaping the Unconventional
Alberto Zavatta with Mauro Panigo present the VOICES OF SHAPING THE UNCONVENTIONAL: testimonies of culture and society, able to inspire and guide the ways of doing, behaving, working and living in urban spaces and cities with post-modern and unconventional approaches.
At the heart of the campaign VOICES OF SHAPING THE UNCONVENTIONAL fourteen protagonists in the world of professions; women and men who promote a unique vision of contemporary culture and society every day.
What is “unconventional” today?
Representatives of architecture, finance, engineering, music, culture, academy, research, communication will share their point of view on a provocative topic with the public on the net. What is “unconventional” today? And how much the “unconventional” can be a differentiating factor and a generator of new territories for thoughts and actions?
The creators of Contemporary Urban, Mauro Panigo – architect and art director – and Alberto Zavatta – strategist and communication mentor – welcome their guests in the setting of Clubhouse Brera and, with an informal and appropriately “unconventional” approach, meet them in front of a camera and a few questions ranging from public to private.
Alberto’s words
“The idea that inspires the initiative – says Alberto Zavatta – is simple and essential. We wish to address the issue of change, of professional and human resilience, of the increasingly frequent osmosis between worlds that are often thought to be unable to communicate with each other. These meetings testify, however, with great intensity, that transformation, innovation, creativity go through a conscious and oriented multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary approach “.
The voices, the personalities
Silvia Colombini – Soprano d’Arti – Performing Arts Soprano; Paolo Cresci – Head of Sustainability and Plants – ARUP ITALIA; Mario Cucinella, Architect – Founder of MCA Architects; Diego Deponte, Partner & Technical Director – Systematica; Isabella D’Isola, Professor of Philosophy and Writer; Paolo Facchini, Partner & President – Lombardini22 Group; Giammichele Melis, Project Director and Head of Business Development – ARUP Milano; Mauro Panigo, Architect and Art Director – Creator & Co-Founder of Contemporary Urban; Leonardo Previ, Founder of Trivioquadrivio – Professor at the Catholic University of Milan; Alessandra Perrazzelli, A2A Vice President – Former Country Manager Barclays Italy; Lionella Scazzosi, Professor of the Polytechnic of Milan – Advisor International Comittee ICOMOS; Stefano Susani, CEO of the NET Engineering International Group; Tommaso Vincenzetti, Brand Manager and DOMUS International Director – Domus Publishing; Alberto Zavatta, Strategist and Communication Mentor – Creator & Co-Founder of Contemporary Urban.
Project co-conceived and developed with the collaboration of Architect Mauro Panigo for Contemporary Urban.
To watch all interviews (either long or short version), don’t miss:
Founder of the Milan-based agency Alberto Zavatta – Inspiring the next you. Alberto Zavatta is an expert of strategic corporate communication, branding, total identity, emotional marketing, packaging design.
Mr Zavatta has gained international experience over the years with global communication projects for major multinationals and national companies. This makes of him a professional with a remarkable background. His experience includes all levels of strategic communications and branding.
Mr Zavatta’s approach merges style, creativity and Italian essence with passionate vision, cosmopolitan touch and global culture.
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